Our vision
A physically active Canadian population
Our mission
To conduct research that will help design urban environments that equitably increase physical activity for the entire population

Undergrad – MSc – PhD Applicants
Application to the lab is highly competitive. We are a small group, and we receive a high volume of applications for membership. Applicants should get in touch with the lab director, Dr. Daniel Fuller, at daniel.fuller@usask.ca with the email subject line “BEAP Lab Application”. You should receive an automated message with a quiz. You will need to answer the quiz and provide:
A cover letter outlining why you would like to join the lab and the contribution you think you would make to lab activities - A resume, including the names and contact information for two references
- An unofficial transcript
- A 500 word research proposal related to a BEAP lab project
The highest returns can be reaped by imagination in combination with a logical and critical mind, a spice of ingenuity coupled with an eye for the simple and humdrum, and a width of vision in the pursuit of facts that is allied with an attention to detail that is almost nauseating.
Sir Austin Bradford Hill
Our Sponsors

BEAPLab Address:
Department of Community Health & Epidemiology
Box 7, Health Science Building, 107 Wiggins Road
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
S7N 5E5